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In today’s real estate market, sellers and buyers want a personal relationship with their agent. That is what I have always offered my clients.

Juan Pesqueira

Communication: I am easily reachable through various communication channels. You can email me for written correspondence or call me for direct conversation. I’m also open to unconventional methods like smoke signals 💨 or Morse code. Rest assured, I will respect your preferred communication style, ensuring prompt responses and tailored assistance, especially if you choose me as your realtor for selling, buying, or investing in real estate.

Residential, Commercial, Land Prices (CMA): For residential, commercial, or land prices, if you are interested in selling or simply curious about the value of your property, feel free to reach out. We offer comprehensive market analysis (CMA) services to determine its potential selling price. If permitted, we can take the analysis a step further by conducting an on-site property evaluation. Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance in assessing your property’s worth.

Realtor/Broker Referral: Referring clients to trusted Realtors is key for a seamless experience. I guarantee exceptional care and prompt referral fee payments. Offering competitive fees up to 30% or more, let’s partner to assist clients in Scottsdale – Phoenix and surrounding areas. Reach out to establish a partnership for outstanding service to your clients.

Remove/AddIf you are an agent, seller, or buyer seeking to add or remove a home or penthouse from my listings, please feel free to contact me and inform me of your preferences. I am dedicated to providing accurate and up-to-date information, and any listings I post will include the pertinent details of the listing agents and brokerages, particularly if they are not represented by myself or my brokerage. Your feedback and requests are valued, and I am committed to ensuring the utmost transparency and accuracy in my listings.

Discover more from Real Estate Insights: Residential. Commercial. Investments. Appraisal

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